Back to School!

In less than one week I begin an adventure I’ve wanted to take for YEARS! What took me so long? Oh, just real life and work and stuff… but as we all know now, I’m in this interesting position with no 9-5 job (some consulting here and there) and the drive to find something I’m passionate about. First thing that came to mind? MAKEUP.

My loving husband Kyle attended a handful of makeup academy open houses with me but we kept finding the same thing: school would take 3-6 months and would cost between $10-20K. It’s meant to be for students right out of high school or college, so I understand – but, it wasn’t going to work for me.

As I drove home from the job I didn’t enjoy, I randomly decided to take a different route than usual. Low and behold – I drove by Ruby Makeup Academy. It just so happens to be less than three miles from our house. In LA, this is a huge win.

I called the minute I got home – it was a Friday night, no answer. First thing Monday morning my phone rang,

“We have a one week intensive makeup course starting in mid-August. Monday thru Friday from 9am – 6pm. You will be certified at the end and receive pro discounts at most major beauty supply stores. You receive a full makeup kit and brushes, as well as a free promotional photo shoot. Additionally, we’re running a promotion and if you book by the end of this week, you get 40% off tuition cost.”

“This sounds AMAZING. Who is the teacher?”

“Nicole Faulkner or @LipstickNick_ on Instagram. She’s amazing!”

Pinch me, because this sounds perfect. Lipstick Nick? FANGIRL MOMENT!! I’ve followed her on Instagram for years and am obsessed with her work. I decided in that moment that I was enrolling ASAP!

I drove up that night to visit the school, which is in an odd little building of offices but feels like apartments. I sat down with their version of an admissions counselor and walked through the class. At that point she could have said we have to stand on glass while beating faces and I still would have signed up. I left enrolled and empowered and with something to look forward to!!

IMG_5919That brings us to what I did yesterday! I stopped by the makeup supply store across the street and brought home this major haul full of lashes, cleaners and brand new brushes!

Excited to share this time with my darling hubs, who has been telling me to do this forever and ever, and all of our family and friends via Kate & Allie. This is new territory for me, so having an outlet to document the craziness adds to the fun!

Always more to come – and if you’re in LA and willing to be a model for some before & after makeup pictures, drop me a line!!



13 thoughts on “Back to School!

  1. Amber Stirn says:

    I love it! All those years practicing on me for school dances and now you get to do what you love! I’m so excited for you Allie G! makes me almost want to have a wedding so you can fly back and do my make up!!! loooove you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Allie says:

      HA! Amy, did you see him in drag from his stint with Arsenio? I think he posted it to Facebook… I was so mad I wasn’t the first one to make him beautiful 😉


  2. Ashley Walls says:

    Hey Allie! I just wanted to tell you I’m already enjoying your blog, I love catching up and reading about what people are doing these days and I can see how passionate you in your new venture! You’re going to rock it girly!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Starr Benson says:

    I too have enjoyed following you two on this blog, I loved working with you in B-town and getting to know Kate when we hosted her wedding guest at the Canterbury! Very excited for you, as the saying goes…if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life! Here’s to you never working another day in your life!

    Liked by 1 person

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